Dr. N.Anantharaman was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 8th May 1955. He obtained his B.Tech. , Chemical Engg., from REC, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India, in 1977 and M.E.,in Chemial Engg., from IISc., Bangalore, Karnataka, India, in 1979. He got his Ph.D for his thesis “Heat and Mass transfer studies in Fluidized bed drying” in 1985 from Madras University. Having started his career at REC, Trichy as a senior Research fellow in 1979, he became lecturer in 1981 at RECT (NITT) and rose to the level of PROFESSOR in 2001 and subsequently, DEAN (Academic) in 2010 in NITT. He became Professor (HAG) in chemical engineering Department from 2012. Ever since, he joined in teaching profession, he has offered a number of courses both at Under graduate and Master's level. He was involved in offering laboratory courses. He has guided many scholars for Ph.D He has co-authored three books, Process Calculations (2003, 2011), Elements of Mass transfer Part-1 (2005) and Mass Transfer Theory and Practice (2011), all published by PHI Learning Centre, New Delhi. To his credit he has more than 150 publications in International/National Journals and Conferences. He has also delivered lot of technical lectures at different organizations and Institutions.
N.Anantharaman is a life Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical education, New Delhi, Life member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata and Life member of FMFP, Mumbai. He was so far involved with five projects of AICTE/MHRD either as Principal or as Co-investigator. His paper on Removal of Chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions by Emulsion liquid membrane, presented in CHEMCON 2003 held at RRL, Bhubaneshwar in Dec 2003 was awarded the M A Shukla Prize for II best paper in 2004 in the IICh E annual session at Mumbai. He has been serving in the Executive council of IE (India) Tiruchirappalli local Centre for the past 14 years. He is also member of the Board of studies in Chemical Engineering of various Universities and chaired technical sessions in national conferences. He played a key role establishing an endowment called “Dr. S.H. Ibrahim Memorial fund” to promote academic excellence in chemical engineering at NIT Tiruchirappalli. He was awarded the best teacher by NIT Tiruchirappalli in 2008. In recognition of his outstanding professional contributions and contribution to National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, RECAL, the alumni association of RECT/NITT conferred on him “Golden Jubilee Distinguished Alumni Award for serving personnel at NIT Tiruchirappalli” in July 2014. He also won the ‘Best Engineer award’ from Institution of Engineers (India) TLC in Sept’ 2015. He was also recognized for contributions in Research publications during the year 2016-17 in the Institute Day 2017, for consultancy projects in 2017-18 in the Institute day 2018 and for citations in the Institute day 2019 at NIT Tiruchirappalli. He was Head in charge of Energy and Environmental Engg Department till his retirement from 2018. Currently, he is Visiting faculty of Chemical Engineering Department.